Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Mung's Top Ten Most Hated

If only Mung was a lover and not a fighter. Here are Mung's Top Ten Most Hated:
  1. Church of Scientology Free Stress Tests- Mung don't need no free test to tell her she's stressed.
  2. Resonance FM- Listening to babies cry and dogs bark for 3 hours is not Mung's idea of fun.
  3. Bus no.390- Mung's buttocks they come every 10-15 mins.
  4. Counting Sheep- 3 bags full of wool later Mung is still wide awake.
  5. Skinny men- Damn you and your fast metabolism.
  6. Skinny women- For the love of God eat some food.
  7. Salty Liquorice- SO NASTY!!
  8. Bad People.
  9. Peptides.
  10. Constipation.


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