Saturday, June 18, 2005

Mung in Cambridge

Mung partys al fresco

Mung voluntarily leaves zone 1 London and hops on a train to Cambridge to attend a Garden Party (free food).
Mung hangs around the BBQ area and stocks up on not only free meat, but also on local gossip by eavesdropping on fellow garden party-goers:

Young Posh Boy 1: Did you hear about Rupert?
Young Posh Boy 2: Rah, the old boy went punting naked!
Young Posh Boy 1: Rah! How extraodinary!

Another Posh Boy: What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?
Posh Girl: Looking for a boy like you.

German Boy: Hallo, wie gehts? (Hello, how are you?)
Mung: er...gut danke. (er...good thanks)
German Boy: Also, mochst du ein wurst? (So, you want a sausage?)
Mung- er...nein danke. ( thanks)


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